We are followers of Jesus who came "not to be served, but to serve" (Mark 10:45). Jesus gives us an example that we should follow. Service is part of our Christian life. When we serve others it makes a difference to their lives, it makes a difference to our lives.
At St Teresa’s, we encourage everyone to serve in some way. We all have gifts and talents that we can use to make a difference to the parish and to the community in which we live. We all have our part to play in building up the the Kingdom of God. |
We split our service in two ways: Building the Church which offers people ways of serving at church and in our parish, and Building the Kingdom which we call St Teresa’s Care where we serve the community by support charities, fundraising and giving time.
Being part of a team is a great way of getting to know others and build a connection to Jesus who gives us an example to follow, not to be served, but serve. |
St Teresa's Care
We want to transform lives. One of the best ways of transforming lives is helping others. One step at a time is held us to Build the Kingdom. St Teresa’s Care groups all of our activities in the parish that fundraise for charity, practically support local charities, and find ways we can create space for people to come together for friendly mutual support. Here are a some of our community projects.
Knit and Sew
A place to meet, chat, swap tips and create. This creative group often runs little project to make things for local charities and sometime sells their makes at craft stalls. |
Circle Tots
Welcoming toddlers and parents to play together. Supporting each other in family life. Come and make a mess in our meeting room! Be part of the team leading activities. |
Practical Help
We have connections with lots of local charities such as Manna House, The Kaleidoscope Children's Charity and their nappy project. We also fundraise for overseas organisations like CAFOD. |
Ecumenical Prayer Group
Praying for the city and the world. Whatever Christian background you are from, we can pray together, for each other, with each other. Engaging the local community to foster close working links. |
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is a group that offering practical support by visiting those who feel isolated and lonely. They also find ways to elevate poverty. |
Serving at Church
Serving at church is a great way of playing your part in the life of the parish. Whether that is by welcoming people as they come through the doors and helping new comers on their first visit to St Teresa's, or helping behind the scenes making sure that our church is beautiful space for prayer and worship, there is a way for everyone to serve. Here are some ways but there are plenty of more!
Hospitality Team
Formed when churches began to re-open during the Covid-19 pandemic, the Hospitality Team provide our welcome ministry at St Teresa's. |
Choir and Music Group
Play an instrument or have a flare for singing. Serving with the Choir and Music Group are great ways on enhancing our celebration of Holy Mass. |
Children's Liturgy
Every week our young parishioners are sent out for their own Liturgy of the Word. This team is a great of serving the children of the parish grow in their faith. |